Duke Ortho Peds Hosts Scoliosis Camp for Patients and Families


The Duke Orthopaedic Pediatric team hosted an annual 'camp' experience for patients and families. Led by Pediatric Division Chair, Robert Lark, MD, the event brought together the talents of Anthony Catanzano, MD; Mary Walker, PT, DPT; Jane Pederson, PT; and Ashley Meadows, CPO.

Participants received a myriad of helpful services, including: 

  • Meeting and learning about pediatric scoliosis from our team of Duke Pediatric Ortho experts
  • A Q&A session answered by kids and families who have experienced scoliosis

Dr. Catanzano shared, “Our annual Scoliosis Camp was a great event and allowed us to connect with families and for them to share their experiences and learn from each other! We hope it gave attendees valuable information and the confidence to overcome their scoliosis.”

Great job, team!
