Learn and Grow: Mental Health and Well-Being Sessions


The challenges over the past two years–the COVID-19 pandemic, racial and social injustice, and economic uncertainty, have taken their toll on our mental health and stress levels. Thank you for your continued dedication and contributions during this time.

We recognize that the overall health, wellness, and support of our colleagues, patients, friends, and family have never been more important for our staff and team. To aid in managing these challenges, The Duke Orthopaedics Learn and Grow team is excited to welcome Dr. McLean Pollock, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, who will lead three opportunities to hear about our mental health and well-being. Dr. Pollock will share the stress and emotional health resources from Duke and coping mechanisms that can improve our overall emotional health. Dr. Pollock is offering three times to join:

Email Holley Broughton at holley.broughton@duke.edu to get the Zoom link.

Registration is not required, and each session will cover the same information. We hope that one of these dates and times will work for you to attend. 

Your Learn and Grow Team
Tomasa Barrientos De Renshaw, Holley Broughton, Jill Karr Robyn Miller, Pretoria Pittman, and Dara Purvis
