Doctor of Physical Therapy

Housed in the Duke School of Medicine's Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program is consistently ranked among the best training programs in the nation–this year DPT is ranked 7th in the U.S. News & World Report rankings. Each year, nearly 200 students work with faculty who are actively engaged in exploring clinically relevant research.

Students learn from faculty working in basic science research and clinical studies within the major movement sciences. Duke's DPT program emphasizes a team-based approach to teaching and learning in the classroom and various clinical settings.

DPT's integrated curriculum requires a three-year, full-time commitment, resulting in a comprehensive foundation in the science and art of physical therapy. Aligned with the medical school's goals, the DPT program is focused on personalized treatments that help clinicians understand and promote the health of individual patients rather than generalized, formula-driven diagnoses and treatments. The program's faculty teach classes at the medical school and through U.S.-based and global clinical internships.

Learn more about the Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Curriculum.