
Piedmont Orthopedic Society

All graduating fellows (except Primary Care Sports Medicine) will become members of the prestigious Piedmont Orthopedic Society, the oldest and largest orthopaedic alumni association in America. Founded in 1951, this society has over 700 members, many of whom participate in an annual five-day scientific meeting. Induction into this group of life-long learners includes access to an annual meeting and alumni reunions at events such as the AAOS annual meeting and the annual meeting of the Piedmont Society.

Duke Hand Club

Graduating Hand Fellows will become members of the Duke Hand Club.  The Duke Hand Club, a non-profit organization founded in 1984, was the realization of J. Leonard Goldner, MD's and James R. Urbaniak, MD's vision for Duke Hand Surgery to establish an alumni chapter. The charge was, and remains, to provide members with a reliable forum for the sharing between physicians and educators involved in the medical specialty of surgery of the hand, or research and other information which cannot be shared by telephonic or written media; to fund periodic meetings and seminars, the sole purpose of which is to share information of benefit to the practice of hand surgery.

Duke Arthroplasty Club

Graduating Adult Reconstruction Fellows will become members of the Duke Arthroplasty Club. The Duke Arthroplasty Club, founded in 2016, was the realization of Michael Bolognesi’s vision for the Division of Adult Reconstruction to have an alumni chapter. The goals are to provide members with a reliable forum for the sharing of information, promote research collaboration, and to fund periodic meetings and seminars. Traveling meetings occur every third year, with annual meetings in conjuction with the Emily Berend Adult Reconstruction Symposium at Duke. In addition, the Duke Arthroplasty Club sponsors annual research projects at Duke, providing funds to a resident who has shown interest towards a career in arthroplasty.