Celebrating National Chiropractic Health Month with Duke Orthopaedics

At Duke Orthopaedics, we recognize chiropractic care profoundly impacts health and wellness. Joint manipulation, a key component of chiropractic practice, has ancient roots. Evidence of its use dates to 1552 BC in the Edwin Smith papyrus, where Ancient Egyptians described treating bone-related injuries.

In modern history, chiropractic care formally began in 1895 when Daniel David Palmer performed the first chiropractic adjustment on Harvey Lillard. This adjustment marked the beginning of chiropractic as a specialized form of healthcare, focusing on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine.

As we celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month, we honor chiropractic care’s enduring legacy and its continued role in supporting musculoskeletal health, enhancing mobility, and improving the quality of life for countless patients. Duke Orthopaedics remains committed to offering a comprehensive approach to care, and we recognize chiropractors' valuable contributions to helping patients lead pain-free, active lives.

Please join me in recognizing and thanking our chiropractic colleagues.

All the best

