Richard Michael Danilkowicz, MD


Libertyville, Illinois

Where did you attend college/university?
Johns Hopkins University

What did you do after college?
I spent two years teaching and coaching in Chicago as part of Teach for America.

Where did you attend medical school?
The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine

About the Duke program

What were you looking for in a residency program?
My primary focus in finding a residency program was culture and fit. I was looking for a close-knit group of individuals who worked well together and truly enjoyed their work. A program with a strong faculty and reputation for mentoring also significantly factored in my decision.

What are your research and clinical interests at this time?
My research to this point has primarily focused on clinical outcomes, however, I am excited to potentially be involved with some basic science projects as well. A specific area that interests me is return to play after injury in athletes.

“I was looking for a close-knit group of individuals who worked well together and truly enjoyed their work.”

About Duke University and Durham

Where did you choose to live, and why?
My wife and I live in South Durham. We started looking there primarily after recommendations from other residents but knew it was the right area for us after touring around and getting a feel for the neighborhoods.

What do you like to do outside of medicine?
Outside of medicine I enjoy coaching, primarily wrestling and football, and watching/playing sports. I also like to spend time with my fiancé exploring different towns and cities when we have the chance.