Sanoe Rapozo, Cardea Fellow

Sanoe Rapoza
Undergraduate Student

Born and raised in a small town in Kauai, Hawaii, Sanoe had to make the most of what was given to her. She fell in love with reading various genres and indulging in her mind's constant wonder. While still young, her parents moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, to provide her with better educational opportunities. She volunteered through various outlets, including the Saint Rose Dominican Hospital, the Discovery Children's Museum, and school club organizations (American Red Cross, National Honor Society, etc.). At graduation, she received the Advanced Placement Honors diploma as valedictorian of her high school class.

Sanoe is a first-year undergraduate student at Duke with plans to major in Neuroscience and minor in Psychology. Continuing her volunteer efforts, she is the publicity chair for Hearts for Homeless (an organization dedicated to giving medical screenings for the less fortunate) and a proud Cardea Fellow (a 4-year pre-med undergraduate fellowship). Since this is her first research lab experience, Sanoe aims to make the most out of this fantastic opportunity and constantly learn from those mentoring her.

Outside of school and the lab, Sanoe loves reading romance novels, binge-watching Netflix shows of any genre, and socializing with friends in a more intimate manner (in cafes or while studying).