Dr. Toth is Executive Vice Chair; Vice Chair for Clinical; Vice Chair for Faculty; Director, Patient Safety and Quality; and an Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery specializing in sports medicine. Dr. Toth’s research focuses on articular cartilage repair and reconstruction, biomarkers and inflammatory processes in the joint, patient outcomes from unique and complex surgeries, massive rotator cuff tears, meniscal repair, and athlete healing. She collaborates with basic scientists across the university to promote translational research. She is also an associate director of the Duke Orthopaedic residency program and enjoys working with trainees on research projects. Dr. Toth treats patients and performs research at the Urbaniak Sports Science Institute and the Duke Ambulatory Surgery Center.
Publications from the 2020-2021 Academic Year
·Chainani A, Matson A, Chainani M, Marchand Colon AJ, Toth AP, Garrigues GE, Little D. Contracture and transient receptor potential channel upregulation in the anterior glenohumeral joint capsule of patients with end-stage osteoarthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jul;29(7):e253-e268
·Johnston, K., Higginson, C., Saffel, H., Moreno, A.C., Bradley, K.E. and Toth, A.P. The Female Basketball Player. In Basketball Sports Medicine and Science (pp. 835-845). 2020.
·Flanigan DC, Sherman SL, Chilelli B, Gersoff W, Jones D, Lee CA, Toth A, Cramer C, Zaporojan V, Carey J. Consensus on Rehabilitation Guidelines among Orthopedic Surgeons in the United States following Use of Third-Generation Articular Cartilage Repair (MACI) for Treatment of Knee Cartilage Lesions. Cartilage. 2020 Oct 30.
·Christian RA, Stabile KJ, Gupta AK, Leckey BD Jr, Cardona DM, Nowinski RJ, Kelly JD 2nd, Toth AP. Histologic Analysis of Porcine Dermal Graft Augmentation in Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears. Am J Sports Med. 2021 Oct 15:3635465211049434