Dr. McNulty is an Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery with a joint appointment in Pathology. Dr. McNulty’s research seeks to develop strategies to prevent osteoarthritis and to promote tissue repair and regeneration following joint injury. The goal of her work is to understand the mechanisms necessary for tissue repair and regeneration and how they are altered with aging and joint injury. Dr. McNulty was recently awarded an NIH R01 grant for her project, “Mechanotransduction in Meniscus Health and Repair” which will receive over 2 million dollars over the next five years. This purpose of this project is discover ways to enhance the integrative repair of meniscus to restore meniscal function and decrease the risk of osteoarthritis development. Dr. McNulty’s lab is in Medical Science Research Building (MRSB) 1.
Publications from the 2020-2021 Academic Year
·Hidalgo Perea S, Lyons LP, Nishimuta JF, Weinberg JB, McNulty AL. Evaluation of culture conditions for in vitro meniscus repair model systems using bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Connect Tissue Res 2020 May-Jul;61(3-4):322-337.
·Collins AT, Kulvaranon M, Spritzer CE, McNulty AL, DeFrate LE. The Influence of Obesity and Meniscal Coverage on In Vivo Tibial Cartilage Thickness and Strain. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Dec 3;8(12):2325967120964468.
·Hidalgo Perea S, Lyons LP, Nishimuta JF, Weinberg JB, McNulty AL. Evaluation of culture conditions for in vitro meniscus repair model systems using bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Connect Tissue Res. 2020 May-Jul;61(3-4):322-337.
·Andress B, Kim JH, Cutcliffe HC, Amendola A, Goode AP, Varghese S, DeFrate LE, McNulty AL. Meniscus cell regional phenotypes: Dedifferentiation and reversal by biomaterial embedding. J Orthop Res. 2021 Oct;39(10):2177-2186
·Nims RJ, Pferdehirt L, Ho NB, Savadipour A, Lorentz J, Sohi S, Kassab J, Ross AK, O'Conor CJ, Liedtke WB, Zhang B, McNulty AL, Guilak F. A synthetic mechanogenetic gene circuit for autonomous drug delivery in engineered tissues. Sci Adv. 2021 Jan 27;7(5):eabd9858.
·Lee W, Nims RJ, Savadipour A, Zhang Q, Leddy HA, Liu F, McNulty AL, Chen Y, Guilak F, Liedtke WB. Inflammatory signaling sensitizes Piezo1 mechanotransduction in articular chondrocytes as a pathogenic feed-forward mechanism in osteoarthritis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar 30;118(13):e2001611118.
·Cutcliffe HC, Kottamasu PK, McNulty AL, Goode AP, Spritzer CE, DeFrate LE. Mechanical metrics may show improved ability to predict osteoarthritis compared to T1rho mapping. J Biomech. 2021 Sep 27;129:110771.