William C. Eward, DVM, MD

Will Eward, MD

Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery

Dr. Eward is an orthopaedic oncologist, with dual clinical degrees (MD and DVM).  He treats complex sarcomas in people and animals.  His laboratory studies comparative oncology - discoveries we can make about cancer by analyses across different species.

Selected Publications and Grants



  • SCH: Overcoming the Intraoperative Data Desert: Biophotonics, Advanced Sensing, and Control for Automated Surgery (Co-Investigator), awarded by National Institutes of Health, administered by Neurosurgery, 2020-2024 More info
  • Phase 1 Study of X-PACT (X-ray Psoralen Activated Cancer Therapy) (Principal Investigator), awarded by Immunolight, LLC, administered by Orthopaedics, 2021-2024 More info
  • Modeling tumor heterogeneity and therapy resistance in osteosarcoma using patient-derived organoids (Co Investigator), awarded by Hyundai Hope on Wheels, administered by Pediatrics, Hematology-Oncology, 2021-2023 More info
  • Development of an Agent-Based Statistical Model to Estimate the Economic Impact of Perioperative Orthopaedic Surgery Complication in the United States (Principal Investigator), awarded by Piedmont Orthopedic Foundation, administered by Orthopaedics, 2022-2022 More info
  • Investigating the abscopal effect of Immunolight in murine models of melanoma and soft tissue sarcoma in vivo. (Principal Investigator), awarded by Immunolight, LLC, administered by Orthopaedics, 2021-2022 More info
  • Development and validation of anti-canine reagents to enable pre-clinical development of novel therapeutics (Principal Investigator), awarded by AvantGen, Inc., administered by Orthopaedics, 2020-2022 More info
  • Identifying novel CRM1 inhibitor combination therapies to treat sarcomas (Co-Investigator), awarded by Karyopharm Therapeutics, administered by Medicine, Medical Oncology, 2021-2022 More info
  • Utilizing intranasal immunization to induce a cytotoxic T lymphocyte response and reduce metastatic burden in the lung (Collaborator), awarded by National Institutes of Health, administered by Pathology, 2020-2021 More info
  • Fresh Tissue Lab (Principal Investigator), awarded by Integrum, Inc, administered by Orthopaedics, 2021-2021 More info
  • A Prospective Observational Study of Intraoperative Angiography for Predicting Wound Complications in Irradiated Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities (Co-Principal Investigator), awarded by Piedmont Orthopedic Foundation, administered by Orthopaedics, 2020-2021 More info


DUMC Box 3000, Durham, NC 27710