Accepting applications: 2025-2026 (VSAS opens mid-to-late February)
Application deadline: See below.
Available positions: Eight (per 4-week block)
Department Chair: Benjamin A. Alman, MD
Residency Program Director: William C. Eward, MD, DVM
Medical Student Sub-Internship Course Instructor: Kendall E. Bradley, MD
The orthopaedic surgery sub-internship rotation is open primarily to medical students who plan to apply for a position in the Duke Orthopaedic Surgery residency training program.
Students who wish to complete a sub-internship but do not plan to apply to our residency training program should select dates during the Spring Term (if space is available).
The Duke University School of Medicine (SOM) application requirements must be met to officially rotate at Duke. The Duke SOM will contact Orthopaedic Surgery for approval if the requirements are met. If both parties approve it, the Duke SOM will notify students through VSAS.
- Deadline #1: March 14, 2025. Submitted applications for the summer and fall terms will be reviewed, and offers will be sent out in April. Applicants will have one week to accept or decline. They must meet all requirements by Duke SOM. A waitlist will be kept.
- Deadline #2: April 11, 2025: Applications submitted by this date will be considered for Fall term positions not filled by students from the first deadline.
2025-2026 Sub-Internship Rotation Dates
Summer 2025 |
Fall 2025 |
Spring 2026 |
41/ May 5 - 30 (Duke Students only) |
*41/ August 25 - September 19 |
42/ February 2 - 27 |
42/ June 2 - 27 (Duke Students only) |
*42/ September 22 - October 17 |
44/ March 30 - April 24 |
*43/ June 30 - July 25 |
*43/ October 20 - November 14 |
*44/ July 28 - August 22 |
*44/ November 17 - December 12 |
*We know that some medical school calendars do not coincide with the Duke University School of Medicine elective calendar. The Duke SOM does not allow for alternate start dates. We are confident that your home school will try to accommodate your request if given reasonable advanced notice.
**Students who wish to complete a sub-internship but do not plan to apply to our residency training program should select dates during the Spring Term (if space is available).
What you'll need
Permission Number: Contact Wendy Thompson ( or 919-684-3170) with your preferred rotation dates requesting an enrollment permission number. Once student successfully enrolls with permission number, they are automatically accepted.
What you'll need
Before applying, determine if you're eligibility (i.e. affiliation agreement between schools, participation requirements, and more) by visiting the Duke University School of Medicine, Office of the Registrar web site for Visiting Students. Contact Scott Campbell at or 919-684-8042 for questions.
Application Process
- Completed VSAS application
- Completed Orthopaedic application and upload to VSAS
- Curriculum vitae: Upload to VSAS
- Personal statement: Upload to VSAS
- Statement should include a brief description of students background, educational experience, honors, extracurricular activities, research activities and interests, plans for residency training, and future goals.
- Letter of reference: Upload to VSAS
- Letter should come from an orthopaedic surgeon (preferred, not required) with whom you’ve worked in a clinical setting or a research project.
- Transcript: Upload to VSAS
- USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 (or COMLEX Step 1): Upload to VSAS
Preferred Dates
Students should specify all dates that they are available. It is not possible to offer every student their top/only preference.
Orthopaedic Surgery provides a full educational experience with approximately 9 students per 4-week block – training approximately 40-44 medical students annually.
Scott Campbell, Visiting Student Coordinator, will notify students regarding the status of their application after the application deadline.
- The Duke University School of Medicine application requirements must be met in order to officially rotate at Duke.
- The Duke University School of Medicine stipulates that Duke medical students must have the opportunity to enroll before notifying visiting medical students confirming their acceptance.
Scott Campbell, Visiting Student Coordinator
Duke University School of Medicine, Office of the Registrar
Office (919) 684-8042
Contact Scott Campbell to inquire about application requirements (i.e. VSAS open date, VSAS application requirements check list, professional liability) and participation requirements (i.e. background check, immunizations).
Wendy Thompson, C-TAGME, GME Program Coordinator
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Office (919) 684-3170
Contact Wendy Thompson to inquire about orthopaedic one-page application, rotation schedules, and core curriculum.
When is the earliest Duke students can do a sub-internship at Duke?
Duke students (4th year) could take the first section offered during the Summer Term (early May). Duke students get first choice of dates before filling remaining spots with visiting students.
When are the earliest visiting students notified of their acceptance?
Visiting students can expect to receive notification mid-to-late April (a couple of weeks after the deadline).
How many students are on each block?
To maximize student experience, we plan to take no more than seven students per block as of 2025. However, given the small size of our blocks, we still encourage you to apply in the general application cycle if you are not offered a rotation.
Will I be interviewed for the residency program during my rotation?
Starting in 2025, we will invite selected students back as part of our traditional in-person interview day. We have no minimum or maximum number of rotators to be invited back.
Are there scholarships?
With recent changes, Duke has not received direct financial aid.
Are holidays observed on sub-internships?
Students may not report for clinical duties (including call) on Duke SOM holidays (July 4th, Labor Day (1st), Thanksgiving (Nov. 26-30).