News Archive

Meet Melissa Allen, MD, PhD

“I am excited to care for pediatric patients with complex problems and partner with my Duke Orthopaedic colleagues, who provide excellent patient care but also want to help drive improvements in our field overall.” 


Meet Leonardo Ferreira, PT, PhD

"I enjoy making discoveries, translating basic science into clinical research, and helping people develop their careers."

What were your motivations for pursuing a career in research and science?

Lizzie Bond, MD's Duke Ortho Fellowship Experiences Featured on 1News

Lizzie Bond, MD, knows a thing or two about high-performance sports.
She's spent decades observing it in New Zealand as wife to triple Olympic gold medalist Hamish Bond and as an orthopaedic surgeon in her own right.
However, the six-month fellowship she's currently on at the prestigious Duke University in the U.S. gives her a unique taste of American sports medicine, starkly different from the system she trained in. – Abby Wilson,1News

Faculty in Focus - Jeffrey R. Bytomski, DO

“I chose to be primary sports DO physician to be part of team to help our athletic teams achieve success on and off the field. Being a part of something bigger than yourself makes all the time and effort worth it.”


Where do you see your orthopaedics specialty advancing in the next five years?

Primary sports medicine will continue to grow in the areas of concussion, ultrasound diagnostics and treatment, and lifestyle/performance medicine.

Research Featured: Predicting Knee Osteoarthritis Progression – Proteomics, Biomarkers, and the Future of Treatment

What if you could predict the progression of knee osteoarthritis through a simple blood test? That’s the vision of Dr. Virginia Byers Kraus, a professor at Duke University School of Medicine. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) affects 60 million adults in the US. It is projected to increase to 78 million by 2040, yet we don’t have sensitive tools for diagnosis or disease-modifying drugs or treatments.

DXP Volunteers at the 2023 Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games

The Duke Sports Medicine Sports Performance (DXP) team volunteered to provide medical and event support at the 2023 Special Olympics North Carolina (SONC) Summer Games, June 2-4, in Raleigh.  

The event featured over 1,300 Special Olympics athletes and Unified partners, individuals without intellectual disabilities, from across the state competing in athletics, basketball, bowling, gymnastics, powerlifting, swimming, and volleyball.

The 2023 Feagin Leadership Forum a Success!

The 2023 Forum on “Agile Leadership in Times of Change” was successful. Featured speakers included: Mike Krzyzewski, Former Duke Men’s Basketball Head Coach; Craig T. Albanese, MD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Duke University Health System; Rachel Baker, Duke Men’s Basketball General Manager; Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono, MD, MBA, FACS; Jon Scheyer, Head Coach Duke Men’s Basketball; and, Lisa Borders, Founder of Golden Glow Media.