Orthopaedic Data Resources


  • Data: Contains data specific to Duke, and can be filtered to orthopaedic patients and providers.
  • Access: Access is available through Epic. More information can also be found in the Clinical Research FAQ

Patient-Reported Outcomes Data

  • Data: Any encounter-based and series based patient-reported outcome data can be obtained through SlicerDicer.
  • Please contact Pam Barth if you have questions about orthopaedic PRO data.


  • Data: Patient data available via DEDUCE is included here
  • Access: DEDUCE is accessible via PACE.           
    For more information on DEDUCE, see the Clinical Research FAQ

COORDS Resources 

  • Data: Any EPIC data that is otherwise unavailable via other sources listed on this site can be requested through COORDS. 
  • Access: Please contact Pam Barth

Osteoarthritis Dashboard

  • Data: Data on the hip and knee osteoarthritis population at Duke University Health System.
  • Access: Adult Reconstruction providers have access to this dashboard when on the Duke network
  • Email christine.goertz@duke.edu for access 

PearlDiver Bellweather

  • Data: Claims data is available for research purposes upon request
  • Access: Contact Dr. Chad Cook for access to PearlDiver. Contact Carrie Killelea to be added to the IRB for this project.

Other Data Resources


*Duke’s BusinessObjects Universes refers to representations of the organization's data that allow end-users to more easily access data autonomously through common, descriptive terms. Universes are composed of objects mapped to source data in the database and accessed through queries and reports.