Optical motion capture
- 16 camera Vicon optical motion capture system
- Upper-, lower-, and whole-body models of human movement

Force plates
- 6 in-floor AMTI force plates
- 1 portable Kistler force plate
- Can be synchronized with optical motion capture

Muscle electrical activity (EMG)
- 16 Delsys Trigno wireless EMG electrodes (8 suitable for small muscles such as forearm)
- Can be combined with optical motion capture

Muscle strength
- Biodex System 4 Isokinetic Dynamometer
- Hand dynamometer
- Manual muscle testers

Wearable sensors
- Vicon Blue Trident (acceleration, angular velocity, direction)
- Garmin heart rate monitor (chest strap)
Cycle ergometer
- Keiser cycle ergometer
- Regular pedals or clipless pedals for use with cycling shoes + cleats
- Garmin Vector power output measurement cranks
- Garmin Edge cycle computer

- Star Trac treadmill with front and side rails
- Speed: 0 - 12.5 mph
- Incline: 0 – 15 % grade

Body composition
- InBody 230 scale (bio-impedance)

Joint flexibility/range of motion
- Joint goniometers
- Digital inclinometers

Sport performance movements
- Vertical jump testing
- Timing mat
- Motus wearable device for baseball
- Small hurdles
- Agility ladders
- Sprint timing lights
- Radar guns for ball velocity
- Functional movement screen kits
- Jumping platforms (12, 18, 24, 30 inches)